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Pricing plans

Auto build portfolios with maximum ease

Manage a personal portfolio, a full fund, or integrate the crypto portfolio builder in your platform. The crypto portfolio builder helps you make automatic allocation and capitalise on market changes to buy and take profits at opportune moments.

. Free

Check mark in dark greenPortfolio tracker
Check mark in dark greenBacktest strategies
Check mark in dark greenAd-free browsing
Check mark in dark greenCloud account


monthly billed yearly

per portfolio

Free plus:
Check mark in dark green Provide liquidityRequires a Binance account to trade using Binance API.
Check mark in dark greenAuto buy assetsRequires a Binance account to trade using Binance API.
Check mark in dark greenAuto allocation
Check mark in dark greenSummed trading listsComprehensive lists of suggested portfolio changes for manual trading.
Check mark in dark greenPercentage allocationAllocate balance based on percentage setting for each coin.
Check mark in dark greenDCA schedule allocation
Check mark in dark greenCrypto Utility Index™

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Dashboard | Add-on

monthly billed yearly

Add-on for portfolio subscription:
Check mark in dark greenMaster dashboard
Check mark in dark greenAdd portfoliosPortfolios are paid separately based on number of portfolios at renewal/extension.
Check mark in dark greenUp to 100 portfoliosPortfolios are paid separately based on number of portfolios at renewal/extension.
Check mark in dark greenOn-demand sellingSell previously selected coin allocations on the exchange with one click from app.
Check mark in dark greenUnify all settings
Check mark in dark greenView fund totals

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starts from


Portfolio subscription plus:
Check mark in dark greenBulk pricingPay in bulk for 100+ portfolio subscriptions
Check mark in dark greenIntegration API
Check mark in dark greenAnalytics data API
Check mark in dark greenAsset restrictionControl and restrict assets allowed for trading
Check mark in dark greenReal-time scalingAdd or remove subscriptions using our API to fit your business needs

Information, data, values, scores, valuations, estimations, suggestions, and allocations presented are not financial advice. Please read our terms.


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